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Posted On July 1, 2019 macsclinic

What are the potential risks and complications of this operation?

■ Bleeding – Your wound may bleed a little after the operation. If this occurs, place a clean cotton handkerchief or cloth over the area and apply constant pressure for approximately 10-15 minutes.
■ Infection – Your wound may become infected. If your wound becomes swollen, very red, very tender or starts producing a cloudy discharge, see your GP who may prescribe you antibiotics.
■ Scarring – Any surgery will result in a scar. In most cases, the scar will appear pink to start with and then eventually virtually disappear. However, sometimes the scar may remain visible. It may 3 look a different colour from the surrounding skin or be raised above the surface of the skin. Rarely, the scar may feel numb or even be painful.

Posted On July 1, 2019 macsclinic

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